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Information Security & Privacy
We conduct security penetration testing and reviews to assess the security posture of an organization and recommend measures to prevent the potential security breaches. We can also help organizations to design and implement an effective enterprise information security and privacy environment that incorporates custom-built organization policies, procedures, security architecture and systems.
Our process consists of:
Identification of the assets of the organization including its people, buildings, hardware, software, data (electronic, print, other) and supplies, and estimating the net asset value.
Conduct of realistic threat assessment to the assets including accidents, malicious acts originating from inside or outside the organization and natural calamities.
Conduct of vulnerability assessment for each asset, and probability analysis of potential for exploitation of vulnerabilities by a third party with vested interests. Simultaneously, also evaluate policies, procedures, standards, training, physical security, quality control, technical security of the organization as a whole.
Conduct of an asset wise impact assessment in case of successful exploitation of the vulnerabilities by undesirable elements, by using qualitative and quantitative analysis.
Identification, selection and implementation of appropriate processes and controls to neutralize the assessed vulnerabilities.
Conduct of an assesment to ensure that the processes and controls put in place prevent any loss in productivity by providing the required protection.
Testing and evaluation of the effectiveness of the processes and control measures implemented.
For any given risk, we provide a variety of solutions so that the management can choose the solution best suited for them based upon the relative value of the asset, the frequency of occurrence, and the relative impact on the business that we have analyzed. Alternatively, the organization concerned may opt to mitigate the risk by selecting and implementing appropriate control measures based purely on our advice. The choice squarely rests with the organization.
Organizations maintain a great mass of confidential information about their employees, customers, products, researches and financial status. In case such confidential information happens to fall into the hands of a competitor or any other undesirable entity, it may lead to immeasurable adverse consequences including the fundamental existence of the organization. Protecting confidential information is a business requirement, and in many cases, an ethical and legal requirement. Information security and privacy has therefore assumed utmost significance importance, a de facto board agenda, in modern times. Inadequate information security and privacy measures expose organizations to risks of error, fraud, regulatory non-compliance and business disruptions. It is hence imperative that the management of the organizations should ensure that the right kind of security organization is put in place with the requisite capabilities and skills.